Profile Questions

Core Profile
  • What kinds of relationships are you looking for?
  • What is your gender?
  • What is your age?
  • What is your ethnicity?
  • What is your marital status?
  • Do you have children?
  • Do you smoke?
  • What's your height?
  • My body type is:
  • Which best describes your religious beliefs?
  • How close would you ideally like to find other members?
  • What's the furthest away you'd like to find other members?
  • Write a brief "headline" about yourself for other members:
  • What kinds of things would you like to see in a first email?
  • Write an introduction for yourself:

"Education" Topic
  • What level of education have you completed?
  • What is the best reason to pursue an education?
  • Have you ever taught?
  • Are you in school or taking classes right now?
  • Describe your favorite teacher.
  • What was the most important lesson you learned in school?

"Dating" Topic
  • How comfortable are you with dating?
  • Why?
  • What do you most like to do on a date?
  • How formal do you like your dates?
  • Describe the best date you've had (or your ideal date):
  • Describe the worst date you've had (or can imagine):

"Having Fun" Topic
  • What kinds of things are fun to do?
  • How adventurous are you when you're having fun?
  • I like activities which are:
  • How do you like to have fun with others?
  • How much time do you normally set aside for fun activities?
  • Who's most fun-loving person you know; what makes them fun?
  • Describe a recent fun experience.

"Music" Topic
  • What kinds of music do you like?
  • Why do you listen to music?
  • How passionate are you about music?
  • Where do you listen to music?
  • Do you make music yourself?
  • Who is your favorite musical artist? Why?
  • What is 'your' song? What do you like most about it?

"My Family" Topic
  • How would you describe the family you grew up with?
  • How big was the family you grew up with?
  • How close are you with your family today?
  • What family do you feel most a part of today?
  • How big is your extended family?
  • Describe the most talked-about member of your family.
  • Describe the ideal family life, for you.
  • What makes you different from others in your family?
  • Who was the family member you are or were closest to?

"Out to Eat" Topic
  • For a special meal, what's your favorite spot?
  • What are good occasions for going out to eat?
  • How do you like to pay for a meal?
  • What do you look for in that 'special place'?
  • Describe the most interesting or unusual place you've eaten?

"Politics" Topic
  • Which best describes your politics?
  • Which level of politics is most important to you?
  • Which political party do you consider yourself part of?
  • Which are the most important social issues?
  • Which are the most important political issues of the day?
  • What are some political issues you feel passionately about?

"Religious and Spiritual Beliefs" Topic
  • What role does religion or spirituality play in your life?
  • How observant of your religion are you?
  • How important are your beliefs in your everyday life?
  • How important are shared beliefs for a relationship?
  • What person, time or event most affected your beliefs?

"Smoking and Drinking" Topic
  • Do you smoke?
  • Describe your attitudes about smoking
  • Do you drink?
  • What drinks do you enjoy?
  • Describe your attitudes about drinking
  • What do you think of laws against other recreational drugs?

"Work" Topic
  • What's the role of work in your life?
  • What kind of work do you do?
  • How much do you socialize with people from work?
  • How interested are you in what you do?
  • How much do you like to talk about work?
  • What other kind(s) of work do you hope to do someday?

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