The Beginning . . .
How We Met

NameTag RedRoses NameTag

Believe it or not, we met each other on the Internet (where else would two computer people meet?).

We each signed with a "dating" service called RELATIONSHIPS.COM which is now known as SOCIALNET. Neither of us really expected to meet the "right" someone, but we each gave it a shot, and ended being up pleasantly surprised.
Female The way it works, is you fill out a profile about yourself. First you answer some "core" questions about yourself. Then you answer several additional questions which are broken down into 10 categories.

To see the questions that we filled out, click here.
To protect all members, you are required to select a "handle" upon signing up. This way you do not have to give the person you are contacting your real name.

Wendi used the handle MsWork2Much, while Lloyd used the handle ColoradoWizard.
Mouse When you have finished filling out your profile, you click on the button. RELATIONSHIPS.COM then matches your profile against the profile of all their other members. They (in a matter of seconds) provide you with a list of the best matches based on your profile.

ColoradoWizard was at the top of MsWork2Much's list.
On May 20, 1999, MsWork2Much sent ColoradoWizard an email introducing herself. ColoradoWizard quickly replied to MsWork2Much and the relationship began. Emails were exchanged for a while before the relationship advanced to the telephone stage.

This set the stage for June 12, 1999, when MsWork2Much and ColoradoWizard met for the first time. The meeting place was at Tony Rigatoni's Restaurant in downtown Morrision Colorado. This led to the all important second date, where we went to a "Taste of Dillon" up in Dillon Colorado and sampled the fare from several restaurants during the afternoon, then went to the movies in the early evening and saw "Big Daddy", then spend over 4 hours talking in the car after the movie. The rest is history.

NameTag RedRoses NameTag


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